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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Haha no i wish it was but sadly it turns night like every other country on this planet.

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Q: Why sunny Spain?
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Is it sunny in Spain?


What actors and actresses appeared in Sunny Spain - 1923?

The cast of Sunny Spain - 1923 includes: James Parrott

How do you say sunny in Spain?

"It is sunny" would be "hace sol", literally #it makes sun".

Summary of in sunny Spain of rizal?

The 6th chapter of the book is called 'In Sunny Spain'. This chapter is about when Rizal decided to complete his studies in Spain after his 4th year in the medical course.

Chapter 6 Jose Rizal - In Sunny Spain 1882-1885?

Chapter 6 of In Sunny Spain is about Jose Rizal between 1882 and 1885. Jose Rizal was fed up with the treatment in the Philippines, so finished school in Spain.

Where is sunny beaches called the Riveria located?

France and Italy and Spain

Where are the sunny beaches called the Riviera located?

France, Spain, and Italy

Is it usually sunny in Italy?

Fair Italy is an accurate title, weather-wise. Sunny Spain, well that describes itself also.

How many sunny days does Spain's Mediterranean coastline have?

about 300 days a yaer

What is the climate in Spain year round?

warm and sunny during the summer but rainy and mild during the winter

Is Spain a nice hoilday?

Yes, there are many beaches and tourist attractions in Spain. The only thing is the weather is risky as you can get really hot sunny weather or bad rainy weather...If you want to hear my opinion...well...that is..if i were you i would pay that little bit more to go to the Canary Islands. There a really nice place and the weather is more likely to be hot and sunny there than Spain. My family live in Spain but they say that Spain is for anyone. There is loads of things to do there. So they are both lovely places. :)

What is the summary of sunny Spain in 1882-1885 in Rizal life?

summarize the experience of rizal in ust