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The Gobi is a desert of extreme temperatures and at times even has snow on the sand dunes. Mean average temperatures can go as low as -40C (also -40 F) at night in January to as high as 50C (122F) in summer.

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Q: What is the temperature of the gobi sand sea?
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Yes, the Gobi Desert, one of the largest and most well-known deserts in the world does in fact have sand. It has fine textured sand that tends to be tan in color.

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How much of the Gobi desert is covered in sand?

Almost all of it - it's a desert.

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What is the coldest sand desert?

the gobi desert. but the coldest ice desert in the world is antarctica

What is the meaning of the singing sand dunes in Gobi desert?

it means the sound of the wind blowing in the sand storms. the wind and the sand sound like singing. They're using personification.

How hot does the Gobi Desert get?

The Gobi Desert is considered a cold winter desert. The Gobi can reach extremes of temperature ranging from –40°C (–40°F) in winter to +50°C (122°F) in summer.

When was Sand in the Sea created?

Sand in the Sea was created in 2002.