A sofa sleeper is a regular couch or sofa that has a hide-a-bed inside. Thus you can turn your living room into a guest room very quickly and easily. Sofa sleepers are extremely heavy, so don't plan on moving them often. Go to a nearby furniture store for more information.
a sleeper sofa is a couch that you can open up under the cushions and you can open a bed
A new sleeper sofa cost from 600 dollars for the cheaperst, all the way to 1500 and beyond. The pricing of a sleeper depends on the material, designer, and fabric that was used to make it.
william lawrence murphy
The loveseat sleeper is different to a sofa bed because it is smaller than a sofa bed which is usually a three person couch and a loveseat sleeper is a two person couch. Hence the name loveseat since you have to be comfortable with how close you will be with the person next to you.
A reclining sofa is a totally different animal than a traditional sleeper sofa. When purchasing a sleeper sofa, it is best to look at the models that are manufactured by a mattress company (Simmons, e.g.) as opposed to a furniture maker. A mattress company will design a sleeper sofa for maximum comfort as a bed, rather than an afterthought. When considering a reclining sofa, the mechanism is everything, so always look for models built by LazyBoy or Lane, or company with a similar reputation for expertise in recliners.
Yes, the Sofa Recliner Company makes this type of sofa in several different styles and patterns.
Sleeper loveseat sofas from IKEA vary in cost. The sleeper loveseats vary from $399 to $1,500. A sleeper loveseat has a pull out mattress inside the sofa.
Futons, a type of sleeper sofa, are often lighter than a standard sleeper sofa. They are lighter due to cheaper manufacturing and common use in dorms, trailers and other space-pressed locations.
Sofa sleepers were often thought of as bulky and undesirable pieces of furniture. They were heavy and cumbersome to move. Over time, the sleeper sofa has evolved into an architectural masterpiece. The sleeper sofa has clean lines and the couches became more streamline. Sleeper sofas can be uncomfortable. In some of the less expensive sleepers, the mattresses can be quite thin and the supports interfere with a good night’s rest. Better mattresses may cost more and add more to the weight of the couch, but may be worth it. Sleeper sofas often accommodate guests. Therefore, if you value the comfort of your guests, you may want to spend slightly more to obtain a better mattress. Consumers seeking to purchase a sleeper sofa may consider the following stores to select the best sleeper sofa. The stores listed are only a few of the stores that sell sleeper sofas. However, they can be found at nearly every furniture store. •%09Crate and Barrel •%09Pottery Barn •%09Ligne Roset •%09DWR •%09Avery Boardman •%09Carlyle Convertibles •%09American Leather Depending upon the purchaser’s needs, the sleeper sofas are available in sizes, styles, colors, fabric choice, and prices. Ligne Roset offers a variety of contemporary sleeper sofas. The couches merely recline into a horizontal position for sleeping. The sleeper sofas are often leather or suede fabric and simply add appeal to any modern decor. An average sleeper sofa is $3000 or more. Avery Boardman is one of the most luxurious sleeper sofa providers of any company. Expect to pay $8,000 or more for a sleep sofa. However, the sleeper sofa mattress may be stuffed with lamb’s wool, handcrafted and custom designed to your specific needs and preferences. Carlyle Convertibles offers sleeper sofas in nearly every imaginable style. The sleeper sofas are custom designed. This company has specialized in sleeper sofas for over 50 years. Crate and Barrel and Pottery Barn offer affordable sofa sleepers for a fraction of the cost of the other custom designers. Crate and Barrel will allow some levels of customization. However, most of the customization is related to fabric choice and mattress selection. Many of the designs are standard and the customer must select from the pre-existing designs.
You can easily find a sofa sleeper from such sites as Amazon. However, if you want to purchase one from a brand name seller, I recommend La-Z Boy. They have a wide range of colors and sizes of sofa sleepers that are extremely comfortable for anyone who uses them.
A futon is really like a sleeper sofa. You can take these and fold them up and down just like a sleeper sofa. They just offer a more modern design. They can be bought with metal and wood frames. However they are usually not quite as comfortable as a sleeper sofa. They can be found at most major discount store, furniture stores, and in warehouse outlets.