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It may depend on your local state laws, but generally, no. Once you cosign, you are liable for payments if the other stops paying, no matter the reason.

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Q: Can the cosigner of a student loan be removed when the loan owner stopped paying because she was convinced to by a third party who used defamation of character against the cosigner?
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Defamation is the act of stating something false against someone else, which in turn can ruin their character. It is often referred to as "defamation of character."

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Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation was created in 2005.

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Defamation occurs when a person's reputation has been injured, when the person is held up to ridicule, scorn, or contempt. To avoid confusion, do keep in mind that defamation is not the same as defecation. Defecation is the removal of bodily waste from the colon while defamation is an attack on someone's reputation or character. Defecation takes place in a restroom or bathroom, while defending oneself from defamation takes place in a courtroom.

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GLAAD stands for The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. They monitor any form of media to protect Gays and Lesbians against defamation such as slander and harassment.

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No. The cosigner will still be equally responsible for the debt

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The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was formed by the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith in 1913 to combat anti-Semitism and defend Jewish people against verbal attacks and false statements.

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Yes, a teacher may file a defamation suit against a parent for wrongful allegations. The teacher will need proof showing what the parent did and proof showing she was not reprimanded for it.

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Defamation of character employing the written word is known as libel. This occurs when false and damaging statements are published and communicated to a third party, leading to harm to a person's reputation. Legal action can be taken against individuals or entities that engage in libelous activities.

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In the US there is the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for example.

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Pretty much no, a minor cannot be sued.

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Can a cosigner ask the court to garnish the borrower's wages to make the loan payments?

The cosigner can ask but I seriously doubt they will be successful. The cosigner knew the risks when they signed the loan application. The cosigner knew, or should have known, the borower's history of successful loan payoffs were questionable at best. The cosigner assumed the responsibility when they signed on.