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They can close your account because of inactivity but they cannot take your money. If you go to them and submit a written request, they are legally bound to return your money. And, that is if, there is anything left in your account after subtracting the charges the bank may charge you for keeping your account inactive.

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Q: Can your bank take your money and close the account because of inactivity?
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Can a credit card company close your account due to inactivity?

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Can a bank close your account?

It the account is left inactive for a long time with no money in it they may opt to close the account.

If you have a joint checking account with your husband can he close it or remove your name without your signature?

He cannot remove your name from the account. However, he can close the account and then open a new account with the money. Just remember this can work both ways. With a joint account either person can go in and close the account out and then take the money and open themselves a new account. Most of the time it depends on who makes it to the bank first to close out the account.

How do you close bank account?

Withdraw all money from the account and give an account closing letter to Bank.

If a bank customer has an individual account and they die and their will states that funds pass to a trust can the executor close the account?

Yes, they can close the account. The money will then be placed as directed by the will.

Can bank close your deposit account?

Sure you can. It's your money and your account and you can close it anytime you wish. However, if you are closing your deposit account before its intended maturity date the bank can charge you a small penalty on the interest component for doing so. But the original money you deposited will not be touched and will be refunded in full when you close the account.

How do you close account for evony?

To close the account, simply do not log in. Those players with less that 1,000 points that have not been logged in for three days will be purged from the system. Those with points over this amount will be purged at set times due to inactivity. This does not include those players who have paid money to get Evony game coins. Also, if you have high enough grievance and no loyalty, your account will be deleted within 5 days. So if you want it deleted, you could just raise your taxes a lot.

Is it illegal to authorize money to be taken out of your account and then close account there after?

It is not illegal to authorize money to be taken out of your account and then close the account. However, if the money has been withdrawn and there are outstanding charges or payments, it is your responsibility to settle them even if the account has been closed. It is advisable to communicate with the recipient of the funds to resolve any outstanding issues.

Can you withdrawl your money from a CD account early?

Sure you can. It's your money and your account and you can close it anytime you wish. However, if you are closing your deposit account before its intended maturity date the bank can charge you a small penalty on the interest component for doing so. But the original money you deposited will not be touched and will be refunded in full when you close the account.

How did you close your account at axis bank?

You can close a bank account by visiting your bank branch and providing your identification. you can submit a written request to close the account and surrender your check book, ATM card etc. Once the bank is satisfied with all the requisite formalities, they can close your account and pay you the money you held in your account.

What is withdrawal of bank account?

taking out money from your bank account because you want to use the money.