In direct battle? Yes, probably. The Hind is quite bulky, and meant as more of an armoured aerial troop transport. The Apache is designed purely for strike-and-destroy.
One can find more information on the Apache Gunship at their local library. One can also get the information online at websites such as Wikipedia, You Tube, and Facebook.
the German Focke-Wulf Fw 61 was the First long range Helicopter which could fly about 5 Kilimetres but it had no guns the first Helicopter you could shoot from was the Russian S-47 it was the first 2 seated helicopter and Y32 was the first to use rockets
given the fact that a ninja has stealth as well as a killer katana and shuriken the ninja would win hands down the Apache would turn around to find a sword through his gut and then his head on the ground end of story An Apache is also a helicopter, I don't think a ninja could kill one.
Yes, a Chinook could lift an Apache. -I've seen them lift guns heavier than an Apache.
The UH-1 Iriquois was known as the workhorse in Vietnam, because the tactics in use at the time placed heavy emphasis on airlift capability. The UH-1 was used to haul personnel, it was used as an ambulance, it was used to haul cargo, it was used as a gunship.. basically, it was the most commonly seen helicopter in use, and was a major breakthrough compared to previous military helicopters in using a turbine engine, rather than an internal combustion engine.
No. A helicopter is not faster than an airplane. A helicopter could fly at about 400-650 kph. But a plane could fly much faster than that.
Yes, you could.
That would depend upon the size of the helicopter, wouldn't it. I have seen tiny one-man choppers, and huge ones. The Russian Mig 6 could carry 90 passengers, but the current largest passenger helicopter, the Sikorsky S-92, can carry 19 passengers.
It depends what helicopter it could range from 8 to 80
Most definitely. Especially the B52 and fighter bomber strikes. The helicopter gunship attacks sounded good in the newspapers in the US; but in reality, for the men on the ground, nothing could replace good old fashioned well placed 750 & 1,000 pound general purpose High Explosive bombs. When it came to strafing, helicopter gunships (especially the AH-1 Cobra) didn't put on nearly the "fire-works display" that a low fast flying jet could while spitting out 20mm cannon fire.
Yes. They could hover in a helicopter to obtain photos also.Yes. They could hover in a helicopter to obtain photos also.Yes. They could hover in a helicopter to obtain photos also.Yes. They could hover in a helicopter to obtain photos also.
Bravewolf.I could be wrong but I do not think the Apache's ever willingly signed aPeace treaty