Yes. George Washington got married to a woman named Martha (I don't know her last name). So she was Mrs. Martha Washington
Bella943 says, George Washington Married Martha Dandridge Custis in 1759
George Washington's wife was Martha.
yes george washington did have fun with hi wife.
George Washington's wife was Martha Washington.
yes George Washington did take care of his wife.
George Washingtons wife is Martha Washington.-IluvJC
Martha Washington
his wife!
george washington's wife
George Washington's wife was Martha, Martha Dandridge Custis Washington. George Washington did not have any children ,but he happily lived with his wife Martha and spent most of his lifetime in Mount Vernon, located on the Potamic River in northern Virginia.
George Washington's wife was the widow Martha Dandridge Custis (1731-1802) who married George in 1759.
George Washington was married to Martha Dandridge Custis Washington