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Germany and Britain

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Q: Due to diplomatic ties the US lost friendly alliances with these two countries during World War 1?
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Friendly and cooperative countries during wartime?

Friendly and cooperative countries during wartime were ALLIES.

What countries did Germany make alliances with during World War 2?

Italy and Japan.

What is the name of Friendly and cooperative countries during wartime?


What countries were in alliance with North Korea during the Korea war?

The alliances were China and the Soviet Union (Russia).

What can you gain from other countries during war?

When you are in a war you can gain this from other countries during the war time:Treaty Alliances and cooperationYou can gain respect or lose former alliances.You can get monetary assistance, military assistance and get warfare implements from other countries.

There were two alliances during World War 1 who wre they?

the triple alliances & the triple entente

What three alliances were created during the cold war?

The Three Alliances are American, British, and French

What were the alliances that France had during World War 2?

The alliances France had were Britain and obviously the United states.

How many groups were there during the civil war?

countries that fought in it: Britain,Union(us),cofederate states, France, Mexico Prussa, alliances were Britain Prussa Confederacy

What military alliances were formed during the Gulf war?

There were no alliances; the USSR monitored (supported) Iraq and the US (monitored/supported) Iran during the war (1980-1988).

What were the two major alliances during the great war?

In WW I the two major alliances were the Allies (or Allied Forces) and the Central Powers.

Who were the US alliances during the Spanish American war?
