The address of the Ohio Governors Youth Art Exhibition is: 197 S Westmoor Ave, Columbus, OH 43204-2572
Christine Gregoire - Currently serving her 2nd term 2005-present. Washington has no term limit on governors
The Governors in Mississippi serve a four year term and are restricted to two terms in office.
Ohio is a state and therefore does not have a mayor. States have governors and the governor of Ohio is John Kasich.
Ohio does not have a limit for the absolute maximum number of terms a governor may be in office, but no one may serve more than two consecutive four-year terms.
Governors are appointed by the President of India for a term of 5 years.
Virginia, in a way. Jefferson, Monroe and Tyler were governors of Virginia and Virginia-born Woodrow Wilson was governor of New Jersey. Ohio might also make this claim, but it is more of a stretch. Hayes and McKinley were governors of Ohio. Ohio-born William Henry Harrison was governor of Indiana Territory and Ohio-born Taft was governor of the Philippines.
George H. W. Bush had two sons that were governors of Texas and of Florida. Taft's grandson was governor of Ohio.
Go to GOOGLE.COM and enter the name of your state - followed by the words 'governors office' followed by the words 'e-mail address' (e.g.: > ohio governors office email address < )
in alaska
a Mayor will serve for two years
Zane Grey was a long term resident but was born in Ohio.