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Q: How many years was dick Cheney was vice president?
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How many children does Dick Cheney have?

Dick Cheney has two children, Mary Cheney and Elizabeth Cheney.

How many presidents has Cheney served?

Dick Cheney was sometimes referred to as the "Shadow 44th" President, a conspiracy theory that Cheney held the real reins of power as George W. Bush appeared to be simple-minded, having many verbal faux-pas often called "Bushisms." Dick Cheney was in actuality the 46th Vice President of the United States.

How do you make a sentence using the word virtually?

Many suspected that Dick Cheney was virtually President of the United States, in the years when Dubya was nominally the holder of that Office.

Why was former Republican vice president Dick Cheney considered to be the most powerful American vice president of all time?

Dick Cheney was a vice president for a president who was generally incompetent. That allowed him to push the president aside and run many of the policy meetings that a president would usually oversee. Additionally, Cheney had longer and closer relationships with many of the other cabinet members than George W. Bush had, allowing him to have greater sway.

Why didn't Dick Cheney run for President?

Dick Cheney would have been unelectable because too many people feared and distrusted him. He also has no personal charisma and would have been unable to connect with most of the American public.

How many times was Dick Cheney President of the US?

Twice. Each time when George W. Bush was undergoing surgery.

How many grandchildren does Dick Cheney have?


Is there ever been a vice president that was not picked to run after the current presidents term was up?

There have been many Vice-Presidents who opted not to run for President. The most recent was Dick Cheney.

How is dick channey and barrac Obama related?

I think you are referring to Dick Cheney (the former vice president of the United States) and Barack Obama (the current president). Their family connection is very distant: they are eighth cousins. Mr. Obama's white relatives (on his mother's side) from very long ago are distantly related to Mr. Cheney's relatives. When the story came out that Mr. Obama and Mr. Cheney, who are both political enemies, might be related, some people thought it was a hoax. But Mr. Cheney's wife verified that it is a fact. Many years ago, the two families shared some relatives.

Why do so many Americans think Dick Cheney was the President of the US from 2000 to 2009?

Many Americans unfortunately have trouble naming any politician or even former President correctly, not even their own representatives in Congress. In this case, one reason may be that Dick Cheney was one of the most 'visible' vice presidents in modern history and according to many overshadowed President George W. Bush, especially during his first term which by the way started in 2001.

Are there millionaires in Wyoming?

Yes, there are many. Former VP Dick Cheney is one of them.

How many tie votes has Dick Cheney broken?

i really don't know just wanted to answer one question and it just happened to be yours sooooooo sucks for you hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahahahaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaahahahahahahaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHA HAHAHAH AHAHAHA AHAHAHAH HAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAHAHHHHH