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I started using hair removal cream on my uni brow and the hair didn't come back thicker. At first I would have to do it once a week but now I can go almost three weeks without needing to use hair removal cream. It doesn't row back as thick or as quickly now which I'm really happy about. But just yesterday I tried using hair removal cream and it didn't remove any hair so it can be really frustrating. Also, I have left it on too long before, and that caused red marks on my face where the cream was. Those went away overnight though.

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Q: If you use hair removal cream on a monobrow will it grow back thicker?
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You can keep your unibrow under control by plucking the stray hairs as they grow back.

Do hair grow back?

Depends. After shaving it it does at a faster rate each time and when it comes back it is thicker and fuller. After waxing it it does a month later thicker and fuller. Laser hair removal I'm told comes back much later. Burned portions of the body might grow hair depending on how severe the burn.

How do you get rid of hairs on your arms without it growing back thick and gross?

hair removal cream is best, i use it and it takes a long time for the hair to grow back and it really does come back thinner. try the bikini hair removal cream first, because if you have sensitive skin it might burn or leave your skin a bit red or blotchy for the next day or so. the bikini cream doesnt leave any red it's for sensitive skin. That is a good answer but another way to get it to not come back is to start waxing it. After time it won't grow back and when you wax you get between 3-8 weeks of smoothness. Contrary to popular belief, hair does not grow back any thicker or coarser once it has been cut. It just appears this way because it starts growing back as a stubble.

What are the best rated permanent hair removal creams?

At present there are no permanent hair removal creams. There are creams that remove hair but ultimately the hair will continue to grow back. One product that can be used for hair removal is Nair cream.

Does laser hair removal make your hair grow back thicker?

No. Any growth change a patient notices may be due to the hair's natural three phase growth cycle.

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Shaving does not "make your hair grow back thicker".

How do you get rid of a monobrow?

You can buy a little shaver that is meant for things like that, and trim back the brow to a point where you like it. You can also pluck away the hair, but it takes way too long. You should also consider waxing it or getting it removed by a laser. Just because you naturally have a monobrow, doesn't mean you have to live with it...

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Yes, it will grow back thicker and darker. But shaving your chest itches very badly.

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What service can be used on eyebrows where the hair doesn't grow back thick?

A service cant really be done for that type of thing. I wouldnt get laser hair removal because it grows back thicker and it is painful. Waxing hurts and all it does is make the hair darker and thicker. Please do NOT shave them! If i were you you should tweez them keep in mind use clean tweezers and the hair may not grow back because you pull it from the root.

How can you get rid of hairy arms?

im trying to figure it out too,if you wax or shave or use hair removal cream the hair is just going to come back twice as dark.