Current Tax Liability is that tax amount which is actaully payable in current year.Deffered Tax liability is that amount of tax liability which is created due to difference in net income in income statement and income according to tax authorities.
... the income tax expense reported on the income statement to equal the amount of income taxes payable for the current year plus or minus the change in the future income tax asset or liability balances for the year.
The income tax expense on the income statement is the sum of the income taxes payable for the year and the changes in deferred tax asset or liability balances for the year.
If I understand what you are asking, your question is in regards to C corporations or LLCs which have elected to be taxed as C corporations, and which use the accrual method of accounting. The income tax expense for the period would be listed as an expense on the income statement. The amount of unpaid income tax would be listed as a liability on the balance sheet as income tax payable (or some similar name).
In personal tax yes. In corporate, ther is both a current and deferredportion
Yes deffered tax liability is created due to difference in taxable income as well as actual income which needs to be adjusted in next fiscal year as it is for only one year that;s why it is current liability.
depreciation expense
is income tax estimated liability
You will need two accounts: Income tax expenses (an expense account, obviously) Provision for income tax (a liability account) You will simply: debit provision for income tax credit income tax expenses When actually paying income tax, you will: debit cash credit provision for income tax
Yes deffered tax liability is created due to difference in taxable income as well as actual income which needs to be adjusted in next fiscal year as it is for only one year that;s why it is current liability.
Tax is an expense on financial statements. However, income tax is an expense of the year in which the income was earned, not the year the tax is paid. For instance, income tax paid in 2013 for income earned in 2012 is an expense for 2012. You do not deduct as a 2013 expense the income tax paid in 2013 for earnings in 2012.
YES. it is a current liability ,This is a specific type of accrued expense -- the income tax a company accrues over the year, but does not have to pay yet, according to various federal, state... If you are asking the differences between the two, it is pretty much straightforward. Current Liabilities are any liabilities that you owe and you can reasonably pay off in one-year or less.