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rasing and supporting armies and providing and mantaining tha navy is an express power. most of hte powers expressly granted to the national government are actually granted to the congress in article 1, secction 8 of the ocnstitution.

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Q: Is the power to raise an army an expressed power?
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The power of congress to declare war and raise an army or navy is an expressed power.

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Congress has several expressed powers. Some of these powers are the power to declare war, the power to naturalize citizens and the power to raise an army.

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There are many different types of examples of expressed power. A few examples are as follows: raising and maintaining an army, levying and collecting taxes, and regulating commerce.

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Three examples of expressed powers are: levy and collect taxes, raise and maintain an army, and regulate commerce.

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Congress had the power to raise an Army by asking the States for troops.

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How could federal government raise money to pay national debt and fund an army?

The federal power to tax.

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The federal power to tax.

The constitution gives which government the power raise and army to control trade?

there are many answers but i didnt find it... LOOK IN THE CONSTITUTION!