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Example sentence for the noun phrase 'checks and balances':

The government uses checks and balances to separate the responsibilities of departments.

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Q: Use checks and balances in a sentences?
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How would you use Checks and Balances in a sentence?

Checks and balances is used to by the three branches to check on each other.

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checks and balancesIt is a system of checks and balances.

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Checks and balances!Add me on myspace AmandaAmor!

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darren and kieran suck and yeah

What keeps any one branch of government from gaining to much power?

checks and balances

What are synonyms of checks and balances?

The synonym of checks and balances is equal. Because it prevents the branches of becoming too powerful .

How do checks and balances limit majority rule?

The checks and balances can limit power by not picking an electoral

What is the reason for Checks and Balances?

Checks and balances allow the branches of government to equalize power. Without checks and balances, one branch of government could become too powerful.

Why is checks and balances important?

Checks and balances was created so no branch of government would become to powerful.