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Q: What does Our Indiscretions sometimes serve us well mean?
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well it is the same as all the fast foods. Their job is to serve and sometimes clean up.

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well if he is your boyfriend he is normally cheating on you but sometimes well leave him he is a CHEATER TRUST ME

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Yes well... I mean sometimes

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well it sometimes mean you can't talk or an introvert.

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well it sometimes mean you can't talk or an introvert.

When a man drops you off at your house and says bye I love you and will call you later does he really mean it?

Well if he kissed u he does but if he didnt well good luck By the way later doesn't mean later it sometimes does but sometimes it mean he'll call u when he wants to hang out again

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Well sometimes when girls are mean they like you, but if its clear they hate you...

They are sometimes funny and sometimes mean at times?

Well some people are funny at times: Sometimes they are mean sometimes nice and ya. If they do that, that means they are not normal people they are crazy. That is kinda called EMOTIONAL. They change their feelings all the time! If you do it more and more, that will b yr habit

Is Roblox kind of bloody?

Well, no sometimes people add blood and gore but if it is bad ROBLOX will take it down. I mean sometimes but usually no gore.