No specific records. The 7mm Magnum is not a military round, nor is it specifically used in long range competition.
I'm not quite sure about the 3006, but I know that the longest recorded kill shot with a .308 was at about one and a half miles, possibly more.
1.2 miles per the us marine handbook.
You will have to me more specific. Do you mean any rifle that fires a 30 caliber projectile or 30/06 or 308?
@ 2000 and 2400 M
The current longest recorded kill made with a rifle chambered in .308 was recorded as 1,250 meters, or just over 3/4 of a mile. It was made by then-Staff Sgt. James Gilliland of the 3rd Infantry Division in Ramadi, Iraq on September 27, 2005. Gilliland and his spotter were providing overwatch for a line company that was going through a neighborhood, performing house-to-house searches for insurgents. The soldiers on the ground were taking fire from a hospital when Gilliland took the shot and hit the insurgent in the chest, killing him.
1000 yards or so.
the longest recorded kill was 1149 yards,but that may have been eclipsed this year in afgan.I just do not know what caliber ws used.
Accurate and effective to about 175-200 yards.
I actually meant a target, Sorry.. I didn't mean hunting
You will have to be a little more specific. target shooting, sniping, BP or CF or RF?
L115A3, otherwise known as the Accuracy International Arctic Warfare. It fires the 8.58x70 cartridge (also known as .338 Lapua Magnum), and the shots made actually exceeded the projected range of the rifle.