You typically use "ea" when you want the "ee" sound in words like "tea" or "read." However, there are exceptions, like in words that come from other languages, such as "Pizza" or "cafe."
On the other hand, you use "ee" when you want the long "e" sound, like in words like "bee" or "see."
"Head" is considered a long "ea" word because the "ea" makes the long vowel sound of "ee" in this word.
The EA sounds like EE in many words, including easy and please.
Ea ger ly. Phonetically, EE -GRrr-Lee .
We can not use you "ee" as we do not have possession of your "ee".
Yes, the word "sweater" has a long "ea" sound where the "e" is pronounced like "ee." It sounds like "swee-ter."
It has 2, one from the EA and one from the Y (reel-ee).
ee these letters will produce the sounds of (i)as in keen ,little bit longer while ea will produce the sound of e as in bread .when two vowels come together first will give the sound second will be silent.
The biggest type of plant that contains the letters "ee" or "ea" is the sequoia tree, specifically the coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens). These trees are among the tallest and largest living organisms on Earth.
No. The EA pair is pronounced as a long E (ee). It rhymes with least and feast.
No. The EA pair is pronounced as a long E (ee). It rhymes with least and feast.
Yes. The EA vowel pair has a long E (ee) sound as in beat and beast.
In "seal," the 'ea' combination represents the long 'ee' sound, as in "see" or "bee."