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France was the ideal country in foreign affairs in Thomas Jefferson's view.

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Q: Which country was Jefferson ideal in foreign affairs?
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Yes he was the ideal example of a successfull person

What was Thomas Jefferson's idea for best type of government?

His ideal government was a small one with limited presidential power. These beliefs belonged to the Republicans, one of which Jefferson was.

Which was not a Republican ideal that Thomas Jefferson wanted to use in the presidency?

increased number of federal courts

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The correct answer is "Independent Owners of Small Farms."

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They differed on many points, but one of the most prominent is that Hamilton advocated a strong Central Bank whereas Jefferson rejected the notion.

What was Jefferson's ideal American citizen?

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Because of the cows

How did John Adams and Thomas Jefferson become candidates of opposing parties in the election of 1796?

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both had different ideas of what they thought would be the ideal political party. :)

Which was a Republican ideal that Thomas Jefferson wanted to use in his presidency?

More powerful judiciary