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Hubert Humphrey did not run win his party's nomination for president in 1972, George McGovern did.

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Q: Who was Hubert Humphrey's running mate in 1972?
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In 1960, Richard Nixon's running mate was Henry Cabot Lodge. In 1968 and 1972, his running mate was Spiro T. Agnew.

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Richard Nixon won the 1968 presidential election defeating Hubert Humphrey. In the 1968 presidential election Richard Nixon received 301 electoral votes, Hubert Humphrey received 191 electoral votes and George Wallace received 46 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Nixon 31,785,480, Humphrey 31,275,166, and George Wallace 9,906,473. In the 1968 presidential, Spiro Agnew was Nixon's running mate, Edmund Muskie was Humphrey's running mate, and Curtis LeMay was Wallace's running mate.

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John Kerrys running mate was John Edwards.

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Spiro Agnew ran as his Vice President in 1968 and 1972, Henry Cabot Lodge ran with him in 1960

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