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Sam Houston

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Q: Who was a president of a republic then a us senator?
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Why is Sam famous?

He was the President of the Republic of Texas, the Governor of both Texas and Tennessee and a US Senator.

Why is Sam Houston famous?

He was the President of the Republic of Texas, the Governor of both Texas and Tennessee and a US Senator.

What did Sam Houston accomplish in life?

He was the Governor of two US States. He was a US Senator. He was the first and third President of the Republic of Texas.

What has Sam Houston done?

He was the President of the Republic of Texas twice, the Governor of both Texas and Tennessee and a US Senator.

Us senator from confederate state and president?

Andrew Johnson was a US Senator from TN and went on to be US president. Jefferson Davis was Us Senator from Miss. and went on to be Confederate president.

Why could Sam Houston not run for president again when his first term ended?

Sam Houston was never US President, but he was the first and third president of the Republic of Texas, US Senator when Texas joined the US, and ultimately Governor of Texas. He did not serve consecutive terms as president, because the Constitution of the Republic of Texas prohibited that.

Did Barack Obama decide to be president before or after becoming a US senator?

Barack Obama decided to run for president after becoming a US senator. He was elected as a US senator from Illinois in 2004 and announced his candidacy for president in February 2007.

What was sam houston's job?

He was the 7th governer of Texas, U.S. SenAtor , 1st president of the republic of Texas and, 3rd president of the republic of Texas

What was JFK before becoming president?

He was senator from Massachusetts.He was a US Senator before becoming president. Before that he was a Congressman.

Why was Sam Houston famous?

He was both the first and third President of the Republic of Texas, a Governor of Tennessee and Texas, a US Senator and a hero of the Texas Revoolution.

Can a naturalized citizen become a senator?

A naturalized citizen can be a US Senator, although not the US President.