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Gerald Ford was the first vice-president who was not elected to the position.

He later became the president when President Nixon resigned his office, so I suppose you could say he was appointed President. (Nelson Rockefeller was the only other appointed vice-president. He was appointed to replace Ford after Ford moved up to President. )

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12y ago

John Hanson was the real first president.

The first President under the Constitution was Washington. Adams was his Vice President. That makes Washington the first Real President.

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7y ago

George Washington was the first president under the Constitution. John Adams was his vice president.

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12y ago

The first US presidential election, in 1788, made George Washington President and John Adams the VP.

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George Washington and John Adams

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John Adams

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Q: Who was the first pres and vice pres of the US?
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14 vice-presidents later became president.Vice Presidents Who Have Served As President:John Adams - V.P. 1789-1797, Pres. 1797-1801Thomas Jefferson - V.P. 1797-1801, Pres. 1801-1809Martin Van Buren - V.P. 1833-1837, Pres. 1837-1841John Tyler - V.P. 1841, Pres. 1841-1845Millard Fillmore - V.P. 1849-1850, Pres. 1850-1853Andrew Johnson - V.P. 1865, Pres. 1865-1869Chester A. Arthur - V.P. 1881, Pres. 1881-1885Theodore Roosevelt - V.P. 1901, Pres. 1901-1909Calvin Coolidge - V.P. 1921-1923, Pres. 1923-1929Harry Truman - V.P. 1945, Pres. 1945-1953Richard Nixon - V.P. 1953-1961, Pres. 1969-1974Lyndon Johnson - V.P. 1961-1963, Pres. 1963-1969Gerald Ford - V.P. 1973-1974, Pres. 1974-1977George H. W. Bush - V.P. 1981-1989, Pres. 1989-1993

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Asst. Pres

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George Bush, who was elected president immediately following Reagan.

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