The President received no electoral votes from Southern states in the election
The president recieved no electrocal vote from Southern states in the election
55.03% of the nationwide popular vote in the 1864 U.S. Presidential Election was in favor of Abraham Lincoln.
Because President Abraham Lincoln had won without getting a single vote from the southern states.
the union troops allowed the African Americans to vote in large groups in the south and as a result of that Grant won the vote of six southern state
Lincoln gained much needed voter support in the 1864 election after the fall of Atlanta. This happened right before the presidential vote.
Black voters were afraid to vote, and white farmers voted Democratic.
Because President Abraham Lincoln had won without getting a single vote from the southern states.
Because President Abraham Lincoln had won without getting a single vote from the southern states.
In the United States, you have to be 18 to vote in the elections.
Lincoln's opponent in the 1864 presidential election was none other than his long time rival Stephan Douglas. Up until election day Lincoln and much of the country had assumed his failure for re-election.
Union General George B. McClellan repudiated his party's Copperhead platform and polled 45 percent of the popular vote in the election of 1864. He lost the election to Abraham Lincoln.