Personally? I'm a bit mixed on it. I have a lot of experiences I wish I hadn't gone through. I sometimes wish I'd gone in with a different occupation. I was a Combat Medic (which later was folded into the broader 'Healthcare Specialist' MOS), and it definitely had its low points.
loddo he never joined
Walt Disney never joined the Army. He was rejected for being underage (16). He volunteered for the Red Cross instead.
No, Mark Zuckerberg never joined the army. He went to college after high school.
No, John Lennon never joined any army but he did act in a movie called "How I Won The War"
Zachary Taylor was 24 when he joined the army.
Many, many thousands of people joined the Union army.
Private Benjamin (1980) "You see, I did join the Army, but I joined a different Army. I joined the one with the condos and the private rooms."
Never he was just at U.S.M.C boot camp while he was acting The Marine .By the way he never was in army .
Napoleon Bonaparte was 16 when he finished training and joined the French army.
he joined the royal navy in 1755.