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Disdain for British constitutional monarchy.

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Q: 1750s british colonies on north American mainland characterized?
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How were the british West Indies a testing ground for the north American mainland colonies?

they both pooped

Why did the British colonies decide to form a new country?

The British colonies formed a new country because they were being treated differently by the British people from the mainland.

Explain the significance of British settlement in the West Indies for the mainland colonies?

well, this was a time of Gold for the British

Which regions received the smallest number of African slaves between 1451 and 1810?

British Mainland colonies

Did the british outlaw slavery in the colonies?

If you mean the American colonies (there were others) the answer is no.

What was the principle root of the American colonies conflict with the british government?

the colonies paid tax to british but had no repersenatives there

Which historical event most likely shaped the cultural values of British society in the 1700s?

American colonies' break from British rule

Who were in Maryland Americans or british?

Before America, Maryland was a British colony. Remember that America came after the colonies were created. Since there were no Americans there at that time, the colonies can be characterized by who owned it (i.e. Spain). However, many colonists considered themselves to be American before the nation was founded. So in answer to your question, both.

What was the british name for people in the English colonies on north American mainland?

When the colonies were founded and people migrated from England, those people were still considered Englishmen, or subjects of the British crown. At the same time, they were fererred to as colonials. When the revolution started in the 1770s, some supported the revolution and were called rebels by those loyal to the crown. Those who were from the colonies and loyal to the crown were loyalists.

What was the British policy of not enforcing British law in American colonies?

Salutary neglect

What war was between the thirteen colonies and British mercantilism?

The American Revolution was the war between the thirteen colonies and British mercantilism.

How did the laws Parliament passed increase British control in the American colonies?

The laws parliament passed increase British control in the American colonies since they lowered taxes.