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Q: 1783 Spain controlled the land along the pacific that is now the state of?
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In 1783 Spain controlled the land along the pacific that is now which state?

Washington. Desi answer this question.

What land did Spain control that was along the pacific that is now a state?

Before the Mexican Revolution that gained independence of Mexico from Spain, Spain laid claim to the area along the North American Pacific coast that includes what is now the state of California.

In 1783 Spain cotrolled the land along the pacific that is now the state of?

Florida!Florida and i know because i looked it up online! Just kidding i learned it in school :0

What state controlled Florida when Jamestown was settled?

The answer is Spain.

The smallest state along the Pacific Ocean?


What is the northernmost state along the pacific ocean?


What are the northernmost states in the us along the Atlantic ocean coastline and the pacific ocean coastline?

The northernmost state along the Atlantic Ocean coastline is Maine. The northernmost state along the Pacific Ocean coastline is Washington.

What is the smallist state along the Pacific Ocean?

Alaska and Hawaii

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What is the largest state along the Pacifc Ocean?

California has the most land mass along the Pacific.

Did the people in the American revolution fight in Florida?

No. Florida wasn't a state then and was controlled by Spain.