Elizabeth Cady Stanton was one of the primary forces behind womens' right to vote.
The South wanted the right of slavery.
The Civil War was fought to establish that point.
The cotton revenues The unity of the nation v. the right to secede In a small degree, abolitionism
There were many people who fought for suffrage, or the right to vote. One very famous suffragist fought for women's right to vote in the early 1900s. Her name was Susan B. Anthony.
The idea was started by Susan B. Anthony.
Right after cars became popular and affordable in the early 1900s
no they did not they had two stay in Mexico
Right after the stone age.XD jk they were invented some time in the early to mid 1900s and became national and nearly global in the late 1900s (right after the 1950s)
yes men were considered dominant over women in the early 1900s. It wasn't until 1920 that women had any right to vote. Even then women still did not have equal rights as men did.
give them the right to voteIn other words: VOTE!
The right that the first women's movement was seeking during the 19th and early 20th centuries was the right to vote.
right to vote
she wrked in the woman sufferage for more than 50 years for the right for women to vote.