The white man's burden
Caucasian would be the proper term.
Haundenounee means Iroquois it another name for the Iroquois It means another name for Iroquois .
its not only white Americans who discriminate, other white people do too. and a common perception is that only white people discriminate, which is not true, black people do too. people discriminate because they are 1) scared of people who are different 2) think people who are different are inferior 3) here lies about another race that make them look down on that race.
Pale face. Blue eyed devil.
White people in general are known as 'Caucasian'
White Gold is another name for Platinum.
Another name for a white ant, which is used by Australians, is termite.
Another name for white blood cells are " Lymphnoytes"
Another name for white fur is ermine.
White literally means colorless. For synonyms see the following site:
The White ant is an Australian name for termite.
The civilizing mission
Another name for "white man's burden" was "civilizing mission."
Another name for white blood cells are " Lymphnoytes"
Plain white t is another name for a white tee-shirt (undershirt).