W hat is the value of a 1885 silver dollar
W hat is the value of a 1885 silver dollar
The 1884 is a common Morgan dollar, values are $17.00-$26.00 for average coins.
The 1884 Morgan Dollar is common, average retail value is $23.00-$31.00 for a example in circulated condition
W hat is the value of a 1885 silver dollar
W hat is the value of a 1885 silver dollar
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The 1884 is a common Morgan dollar, values are $17.00-$26.00 for average coins.
The 1884-o silver dollar is worth $20 to $35 circulated and up to $200 uncirculated. The prices are slowly going up every year.
The 1884 Morgan Dollar is common, average retail value is $30.00-$40.00 for a example in circulated condition.
The 1884 Morgan Dollar is common, average retail value is $23.00-$31.00 for a example in circulated condition
Your 1884 Trade Dollar is a copy or fake with little or no value. There are only 10 known 1884 Trade Dollars and there all Proof coins
The 1884 Morgan Dollar is common, average retail value is $30.00-$40.00 for a example in circulated condition.
If it has one, it's on the reverse above DO in the word dollar.
The date of 1884 would make it a Morgan silver dollar. Assuming the coin is circulated and does not have a mintmark. Current values are from $30.00-$40.00 USD depending on the condition (grade) of the coin.