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i dont know and i dont care

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Q: Did all Americans support the war for independence?
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Didi all Americans support the war for independence?

no not all amerikan supported the war for independence

How the Americans were able to win their Independence in the Revolutanary War?

Help and support from the French.

Which war did the Americans fight the British for independence?

The Revolutionary War.

What was the name of the war in which Americans gained their independence?

Revolutionary War

What were the consequences of the Revolutionary War for the Americans?


Why were Americans successful in winning the war for independence?


where war of 1812 had the greatest impact on what area?

The war of 1812 was basically a second war of independence for Americans. The Americans were victorious in this and gained more of their independence for the British, therefore it had a larger effect on America.

What is war Americans fought for independence?

Many American nations fought wars of independence.

What is the effect of americanization?

It was that Spain sunk an American ship, loaded with sailors which they all died. Americans declared war which the Cubans helped the Americans to get independence .

Which war the referred to as the '' second war of independence?

no it was not. the war of 1812 is known as the second war for independence.

Which country's support was crucial to the new US during its war for independence?

The support of France was crucial to the US during its war for independence. France was the most important support to congress at that time.

How did the Revolutionary War help the US?

It gave the Americans independence