To make the world safe for democracy
No. War does not make the world safe. Aside from that, nobody has any right to tell others how they should live. It is possible in the future that democracy may no longer work, so all the fighting would have been for nothing. Not everyone will welcome the changes, especially after their country has lived for thousands of years on the same traditions. Civilisations have proven time and time again that world conquest does not and will not work. The Roman Empire, Mongol Empire, Hunnic Empire, Nazi German Empire and so on have all tried and failed. All the US will be doing is repeating history again. America is still a young country compared to the rest of the world. The rest of the world has already done the trials and errors.Who says democracy is safe anyway? In order to have democracy, you need to be monitored 24/7. Imagine if the wrong person was monitoring you. Imagine how many more innocent people could have been killed in WW2 by the Nazis if they had the ability to monitor everyone as we do today.There is no such thing as a utopia, it only exists in literature. However there is such thing as a dystopia, and several exist today (North Korea is an example).
world war2 industrial revolution cold war or world war1
Ancient Greece was actually the first place to make a democracy. The United States later modeled their government after that.
Peach pits were used during World War I as filter for their gas masks. They would soack them in urine and make a special charcoal out of them that was used for the mask.
World War I.
To make the world safe for democracy
Woodrow Wilson
He said it was a war to make the world safe for democracy
Answer"The Great War", "The war to end all wars", and "the war to make the world safe for democracy".
Woodrow Wilson
The ancient Greeks, in the city of Athens, did invent the idea of democracy. They did not make the whole world democratic, however, they just made their own city democratic. It was up to the rest of the world to make their own political choices. There are still a lot of nations in the world that do not have democratic forms of government, which includes the world's most populous country, China.
He wanted to make the world safe for democracy gotta
13 TimesThe New York Yankees Made the World Series 13 times without winning the World Series title but, They did make it another 27 times and won the World Series.
Woodrow Wilson
The Great War,The War To End Wars,The war to make the world safe for democracy. The first two were most commonly used.