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Q: Does the south still want to succeed today?
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What state can cecede?

The laws have changed, I don't think any state can legally succeed from the United States nor would they want to lose that support were it possible. Whether any still have the right to today 9if they wanted) is still debated by legal experts.

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because the north didnt want the blacks so they shoved the problem down south

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The youth today is crazy. I would have to say their main priority is to have a boyfriend/girlfriend, friends, and just a social life. They all just want to succeed in being popular and liked. They want to come off as cool. they all want to one up eachother.

What did the south want from the issue of secession?

the south wanted slavery to still exist even if the union was split

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The protagonist.

How did the issue of slavery promote sectionalism?

Slavery promoted sectionalism because the south was in favor of slavery and the north was opposed to it. The south didn't want slavery to end. With northerners opposing slavery, disagreements started to rise, which resulted in the south attempting to succeed and the Civil War breaking out.

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People today still find the meaning in the gettysburg address because they want to know what it means or what it is

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People today still find the meaning in the Gettysburg Address because they want to know what it means or what it is

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If you want to succeed money-wise you have to spend less than you make, and you will never go broke.

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he did and that's why his name is today still remembered.

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because they want there best for their children and want them to succeed in life

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because they want to make people maore power ful