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Q: During the Cold War and the McCarthy Hearings kept some people from working and caused others to lose their jobs?
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During the Cold War and the McCarthy Hearings what kept some people from working and caused others to lose their jobs.?


What was the main idea behind Joseph McCarthy?

Senator McCarthy's motives for his hearings were for, as he stated, to uncover communists in the US government and in the film industry as well. His hearings finally caused him to be censored by the Senate & criticized by US President Eisenhower. McCarthy ruined the lives of many people during these hearings. As an aside, Robert F. Kennedy and attorney Roy Cohen were for a time on McCarthy's staff.

What caused Joseph McCarthy's political influence to waned?

Senator Joseph McCarthy's political influence came to an end when the Senate passed a resolution against him. President Eisenhower was also against his extreme tactics. McCarthy began to dominate the news and his public hearings became embarrassing. As an aside, it can be noted that Robert F. Kennedy was once a McCarthy staffer. he resigned however.

Why did Eisenhower hate McCarthy?

President Eisenhower hated McCarthy because of his tactics used in dealing with Communism. He attacked many Asian-American people and caused teh second Red Scare. He even attacked the U.S. army in Army-McCarthy hearings, where 20 million people watched as McCarthy made an idiot out of himself and showed the people of America how irrational he is.

What was the caused the McCarthy hearings?

The hearings were a witch hunt. Many thought Senator McCarthy was trying to make a name for himself by producing a high profile campaign, particularly against the film industry and those working in it. One of the most notorious questions asked at the 'enquiries' was "Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the communist party?" It was perfectly within the rights of the accused to refuse to answer but if they failed to do so many were assumed to be communists. This was at the height of the cold war and 'Reds under the bed' was the perceived truth. As a consequence many people lost jobs and careers because of this.

What actions of Joseph McCarthy worsens the national hysteria about communism?

In 1954, the Communist-hunting senator Joseph McCarthy, in U.S. Senate hearings that were televised live, accused the U.S. Army of "coddling Communists." As many as 20 million Americans watched the combative senator malign people who had no chance to defend themselves..

What were the effects of McCarthy?

Like all Witch Hunts; Mccarthy caused desaster to many inocent blameless people!

What did Senator Joseph McCarthy have to do with the Red Scare of the 1950's?

He conducted hearings on communist subversion in America and investigated alleged communist infiltration of the armed forces. But he did it in a way that advanced his own power and fame, and caused a great deal of trial and hardship for citizens who had different legitimate points of view politically without being disloyal to the US. Just to be accused by McCarthy, or brought before one of his hearings was like a 'kiss of death'. Professions and reputations were ruined during that cold war period, just because of the strange paranoid fear that was spread and kindled by McCarthy and his henchmen. Many in the entertainment industry were 'black-listed' and prevented from work; producers and directors feared that if they hired actors and others who had been 'exposed' by McCarthy, they would be accused of subversive activity just by hiring them. While he may not have been a communist, McCarthy was certainly not beyond reproach. For his reckless accusations and his inability to substantiate them, he was eventually censured by the Senate; his run at power and fame came to an end. There are many other interesting things about his life and career.

What caused the red scare to end?

The red scare ended when McCarthy was sensured.

What were the American cold war policies and practices in international relations in the late 1940s to the mid 1950s?

Senator McCarthy held public hearings on Americans he believed had joined the Communist Party. Fears of nuclear attacks from the Soviet Union caused Americans to practice going to bomb shelters across America. This lead to formation of NATO, to combat the spread of Communism.

Joseph McCarthy's actions caused the Senate to charge him with conduct unbecoming to a member of the U.S. Senate?


Who caused panic and paranoia about communist infiltration of the American government in the nineteen fifties?

Joseph McCarthy caused panic and paranoia about communist infiltration of the American government in the 1950s.