Members of the House of Representatives and Senate are similar in the following ways:
Both are elected by the people they represent.
Both decide what bills that are introduced are passed.
Both go to Washington. D.C. when Congress is in session.
Both have to deal with lobbyists who want bills introduced and passed that favor their views.
The people who serve as president and senators are elected. The president is elected by the entire country (and electoral college) and senators are elected as representatives of their states. Both can enact laws of a sort -- the senate writes, presents and votes to make laws. The president can issue executive actions that have similar effect. The president can veto laws made by the senate, but the reverse action by the senate is limited.
Alaska has two members in the Senate and one member in the House of Representatives.
The Senate is coloured Red, and the House Of Representatives, Green.
6 years - Senate 2 years- House of Representatives
house of rep.'s n senate
house and senate.
The senate is composed of 100 senators while the house is composed of 435
The senate is composed of 100 senators while the house is composed of 435
they are not. The house of representatives is voter for by electorates throughout the nation regardless of states interest. and the senate is there to look after the interest of the states.
That would be the President of the Senate, an office normally held by the vice-president of the US.
The senate is also called the upper house.
The senate is the upper house.
Yes. PIPA is the House version of bill - SOPA is the Senate version of the bill.
The Senate and the House of Representatives