Made or grew it. For instance butter was churned, dresses made from scratch, took 3 days to do the wash. Things like shoes were ordered from a cobbler, but most things had to be made at home. Bartering was also an option and depending on if they were in a city or town there could be a general store. Women in cities had access to more, but 90% of the colonists were farmers so a majority were not in cities.
A Married Woman Could Not Make A Contract, Be Party To A Lawsuit, Or Make A Will.
A colonial dressmaker was kind of like a seamstress who made dresses for women.
She made them herself (apex)
She made them herself (apex)
She made them herself (apex)
To cook, nurse, fill the needs of the soldiers, if they had family take care of them.
Well, women did not have jobs in colonial times. But, they did do things at home such as cooking, sewing, feeding the chickens, watching the children, and cleaning. Sometimes, if they lived in the South or was a slave, they would farm.
Most things were made by her or if she had enough money she hired someone to make it for her. To have a new dress she had to get the material and either make the dress or have a seamstress do it. Farm women had to churn their own butter, milk the cow, kill and pluck the chicken, heat the water for a wash or bath, spin the wool, and when the cobbler came by order shoes. A woman who was wealthy didn't have to think about most of what the farm woman did. The wife of a man who owned a plantation or a wealthy city woman could get the best fabrics and have a seamstress copy European fashion. They didn't have to kill the chicken or churn the butter because these things were done for them. Many also had nannies to care and raise the children. They lived in two different worlds.
He needed A Male Heir to continue on his family line as prince then king, a woman counldnt do that
it means either one of two things, woman wants you trapped and wants to get money off you... or woman loves you and wants a family with you
Margaret Brant