Children were used as undercover operatives for their respective countries. they were trained rigorously and some did not survive the training, or were booted out. Those that survived remain unrecorded and are probably rotting in a cell somewhere in Russia. Those booted out of Spykids (tm) school were instead used in testing of new biochemical weapons. Also, they're in SPAM
Children and teens participated in scrap metal drives. I have a Boy Scout medal for participation in a metal drive. I believe this was also the case in Britain.
they joined the army as nurses and hospital workers-apex
2 They fought side by side men in the war.
they join the army as nurses and hospital workers
To manage such a large empire they were angered that colonial merchants had traded with Britain's enemies during the war. Many leaders in Britain were also upset that the colonies had only halfheartedly helped in the war effort
What invention helped to contribute to the start of the civil war and how did it help contribute to
They put up air raid shelters; warned people with posters; the arp was set up also to contribute to the war effort.
France,Spain and Britain's old ally, Holland, also joined the fight on the side of the Patriots.
France,Spain and Britain's old ally, Holland, also joined the fight on the side of the Patriots.
France,Spain and Britain's old ally, Holland, also joined the fight on the side of the Patriots.
the Quakers are very much anti-war.
by balls
they help the army
In WW2 Britain had national service for childless women aged 19 to 30 for most of the war. Most of the women weren't put into uniform but had to work in designated employment.
the women were nurses and Africans and young men fought in the war..
Your sight is stupid
He started the first u.s. navy.
By making newsreels and Propaganda