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The main difference between the American Civil War and the American Revolutionary War was that the Revolutionary War was fought between the British Empire and the American Colonies, the latter of which declared independence; and the "Civil War" was fought between the United States, and the Confederated States of America--two separate and distinct countries. So, in actuality, the "Civil War" was not a civil war, since it was a war between to countries.

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Q: How did the American Civil War differ from the Revolutionary War?
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Is the American Revolutionary War the same as the amrerican civil war?

No, the Revolutionary War was the American War of Independence (from Britain). The Civil War was the war between the Northern and Southern states (1861-1865).

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The American Revolutionary War began in 1775. The US Civil War began in 1861. Therefore the Revolutionary War was before the Civil War.

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It was a Civil War only because the Americans were divided between Loyalist and Patriot. The American Revolution is not considered a civil war.

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Both the American Civil War and the American Revolutionary War ended in Virginia. Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown VA in 1781 and Lee surrendered at Appomattox Court House VA in 1865.

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no, the revolutionary war was before the civil war. the revolutionary war was when the colonists broke away from British rule. the civil war was when the north and south fought because of slavery. the revolutionary war was in 1775 and the civil war started in 1861

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Another name for the Revolutionary War is the American War of Independence.

Have there ever been a war fought on American soil?

Yes; The Civil War and the Revolutionary War are two.