The South's labor system was generally more farming than factories. The north were much more advanced in the lines of production and had started to adopt more techniques that we use today. The south's labor system was largely based on slaves doing the work for no money, where as the north was free with wages paid.
The North believed in a free labor system and the South believed in a slave labor system.
labor shortages, slavery and cash crops led to the development of the Plantation system.
Virginia's agricultural system depended on slave labor.
Subsistence system in which food storage takes place; requires an investment of labor production such as agriculture.
The North believed in a free labor system and the South believed in a slave labor system.
The main answer here was that it used and acknowledged the use of slave labor. While slaves were used in the North, without sounding stupid, the use was a bit more enlighten, and the north was able to be open to the banishment of this labor pool. The south resented the federal government for trying to impose it's law, and we can see another several bricks being placed in the states rights vs federal right issue. kapm
The northern Free Labor system relied on paid labor and hired workers who were not enslaved. In contrast, the southern plantation slave labor system relied on enslaved individuals who were forced to work without compensation. The Free Labor system provided more economic mobility and autonomy for workers compared to the oppressive conditions of the plantation system.
A coercive labor system means a forced labor system as in slavery or an indentured laborer (a slave guaranteed freedom after service).
Contract System
your face and your mama.
The Inca Empire had a labor tax system called "mit'a," where subjects were required to perform labor for the state for a certain period each year. This labor was used for state projects such as agriculture, mining, and construction. The mit'a system was a form of compulsory labor that helped the Inca state maintain its infrastructure and economy.
Once a person turned into fifteen, it became obligatory to participate in the Mita (system of forced labor).
crop lien system
nobody knows