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how did abundance of land shape colonial societies?

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Availability of land allowed and agricultural society in much of the American colonies, unlike the England colonie

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Q: How did the abundance of land in America shape colonial society?
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Why did the slavery become a widespread institution in the eighteenth century colonial north America and how did it shape society?

because once everybody stated using it and become heavily dependent on it for their cash crop they started to import more and more slaves.

How did natural environments help shape the colonial enterprises?

The source made it possible for agriculture to take place for the colonial enterprises.

What are speculators?

It helped to shape America....One very interesting and little known fact of the colonial period is that land speculators played a very important part in attracting population to North America. One hears a great deal about the Puritan, Quaker, and other religious movements as important factors in bringing cohesive groups of settlers to America. Also the idea of "cavaliers" coming to Virginia also gets a fair amount of mention, although more often in honor theories of the antebellum South than in writing about the colonial period.

What is the shape of a teepee?

The shape of a teepee is a cone.

What were the actual effects of the frontier on American society at different stages of its development?

the frontier had effects that were beneficial to asian immigrants. they were allowed to come into america with great ease and asian immigrants shaped the landscape for the western frontier. They were the cowboys and fifty niners you heard about. They helped shape America's economic ways with economics of aquriing lumber and copper and the cowboys captured fish in to which they sold them at lower prices which angered the farmers, thus the farmers alliance was created. From that the populist party was also made because they were made at the asians for stealing their jobs and were mad at them so they had the iron fisted act of 1879 passed to imprison asian immigrants. Hope this helps!

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How did the abundance of land in America shape colonial life?

It made more money for the colonists because the land was cheaper and bigger

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== ==

Why did the slavery become a widespread institution in the eighteenth century colonial north America and how did it shape society?

because once everybody stated using it and become heavily dependent on it for their cash crop they started to import more and more slaves.

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