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Q: How did the north want to block the south?
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How did the north and the south differ in their ideas about extending slavery?

the north didnt want slavery but the south want slavery

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why did the south wan to separate from the north

Why did the north block the southern ports?

To prevent the South from importing the goods they needed.

Why did the North and South have a Civil war instead of making an agreement?

The South did not want to get rid of slavery and the North did, The North was trying to force the South into it and they rebelled.

Why did the north want to fight the south?

US Civil War=North wanted to retain the South Vietnam War=North wanted to conquer the South

Which way does 1st ave run in Manhattan?

In Manhattan, the numbered streets run south to north in ascending order (meaning, 56th Street is one block north of 55th Street, 55th Street is one block north of 54th Street, etc.) or north to south in descending order (54th Street is one block south of 55th, 55th is one block south of 56th), depending on how you look at it. The numbered avenues in Manhattan run west to east in descending order (9th Avenue is one block east of 10th Avenue, 10th Avenue is one block east of 11th Avenue, etc.) or east to west in ascending order (again, depending on how you look at it). In Brooklyn, the numbered streets run south to north in descending order (19th Street is one block north of 20th Street, 20th Street is one block north of 21st Street, etc.) or vice versa, and the numbered streets and avenues that run west/east or east/west run west to east in ascending order (East 36th Street is one block east of East 35th Street, and 21st Avenue is one block east of 20th Avenue) or vice versa. In Queens, the numbered streets run in ascending order from west to east (257th Street is one block east of 256th Street, 256th Street is one block east of 255th Street) or vice versa, and the numbered avenues run south to north in descending order (85th Avenue is one block north of 86th Avenue, 86th Avenue is one block north of 87th Avenue) or vice versa. In the Bronx, the numbered streets run south to north in ascending order (or north to south in descending order) and there are very few numbered avenues. Staten Island has very few numbered streets or avenues.

Was union the north or the south?

The north was known as the Union. It was the north that did not want the states to be separated.

Why did south want slavery?

to show spite to the North

Who did the Vietnamese want to win the war?

North or South?

Why did the North want to shut off the South's water links?

The north would then gain more power over the south.

How did the north and south view slavery?

The north was against slavery, and the south favored it.

What did the north want from the south?

the north wanted slavery to end in the south, they also wanted to preserve the union(keep the union united)