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Lincoln set the purpose as bringing the Union together and it stayed that way the entire war.

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Q: How did the union's purposes in the civil war change between 1861 and 1865?
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What do civil unions lack?

Civil unions are not legally called "marriages" and partners in a civil union are not legally called "spouses." That is the only difference between a civil union and a legal marriage.

What is the difference between a civil union and marriage in Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, a civil union is not recognized by the state, while marriage is legally recognized and provides couples with legal rights and responsibilities. Marriage offers additional legal benefits and protections, such as inheritance rights, access to healthcare decisions, and eligibility for tax benefits, that are not available to couples in a civil union.

Can you change your last name with a civil union?

No. It's one of the rights of marriage that is denied to people with civil unions.

Does Colorado recognize civil unions?

Yes, but only civil unions issued within Colorado. There is no recognition for the civil unions of other states.

Do same-sex civil unions allow for a legal name change?

Yes. Generally, a certificate of civil union is legal proof of name change for either party within states that recognize civil unions, including those states that have legalized same-sex marriage. In states where neither civil unions nor same-sex marriages have been legalized, one must obtain a court ordered name change at an additional cost and with a longer waiting period.

Are same-sex civil unions legal in Utah?

No, civil unions are banned and unrecognized in Utah.

Are same-sex civil unions legal in North Dakota?

No, civil unions and domestic partnership are not legally defined in North Dakota.

Are same-sex civil unions legal in American Samoa?

No. Civil unions are not legal in American Samoa.

How many New Zealand civil unions have been dissolved?

As of the end of 2009, twenty-four (24) civil unions had been dissolved in New Zealand. Civil Unions began there in 2005.

Are civil unions recognized by the US Federal Government?

Civil unions are legally recognized by US states that permit civil unions and also by any US state that permits same-sex marriage. They are not recognized by the US federal government. They may or may not be recognized by foreign governments.

Are opposite-sex civil unions legal in West Virginia?

No. Civil unions are not recognized as marriages in West Virginia.

Are same-sex civil unions legal in Nebraska?

No. Civil unions are not legal nor recognized in the state of Nebraska.