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First of all, because of a labor shortage throughout the Americas, owners really had no choice but to use imported labor from the Atlantic Slave Trade; there was no other viable source of labor. Roughly 6% of enslaved Africans wound up in the southern colonies and states. Second, most owners convinced themselves and others that the enslaved Africans were inferior people, suitable only for forced labor and placed on Earth by God for the use of white people; the Biblical statement about mankind's dominion over animals was sometimes invoked.

There was a a lot of variation in how owners felt about and dealt with their slaves. The harshness of treatment varied by region and by plantation. There were plantations where brutality was exceedingly rare and slaves were treated like a community of resident workers, although for no wages and no freedom to depart. A slave was an expensive piece of property in that era, and it makes little sense that some slaveowners maimed or killed some of their valuable workers; they were willing to throw away their money to make their brutal statement of the superiority/inferiority issue.

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Q: How do you think plantation owners in the southern colonies justified their use of enslaved africans?
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