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The penny that is commonly called the 'Wheat Penny' was first minted in 1909 and the last year of minting was 1958.

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Q: How long was the US 'Wheat penny' in production?
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How much is a US wheat penny 1873?

There is no 1873 wheat penny. It is an Indian head penny.

First US wheat penny minted?

The first US wheat penny minted was the regular 1909.

What is the value of a 1951 Canadian Wheat Penny KG?

It's not a wheat penny. Wheat cents were issued by the US, not Canada. Aside from that, it's worth about $0.25 U.S.

What is a penny that's not a wheat penny from 1940 worth?

If it's not a Wheat penny, it's not a US coin. A lot more information is needed, post new question.

Value of 1885 liberty wheat penny?

The only penny being produced by the US Mint in 1885 was the Indian Head penny. Wheat pennies were not produced until 1909.

How do you know if the penny is wheat in 1953?

You can identify if a penny is a wheat penny from 1953 by looking at the reverse (tails) side of the coin. If it has two wheat ears framing the words "ONE CENT" and the image of the Lincoln Memorial, then it is a wheat penny from 1953. Wheat pennies were minted from 1909 to 1958 and are recognizable by the wheat ears on the reverse side.

What is North Dakota's rank in US wheat production?

North Dakota is ranked 2nd behind Kansas in total wheat production

Does the steel and wheat penny magnitize?

Yes, both the steel and wheat penny can be slightly magnetic due to the iron content in the steel penny and the copper content in the wheat penny. However, the magnetism may be very weak and not easily noticeable.

What is the value of an 1857 double die us penny wheat?

The Lincoln Wheat cent wasn't introduced until 1909.

What is a straw penny?

"Staw Penny" refers to an old US penny with wheat on the back, which was the design through the 1950s. Current pennies have the Lincoln Memorial on the back.

What is the significance of the wheat on the US penny?

The wheat ears appearing on cents minted from 1909 to 1958 honored the power of American agriculture.

What state leads the US cattle and wheat production?
