Although many native American children had been born before this, the first European child born in North America was named Snorri, and born to Norse parents shortly after 1000 A.D.
"America" has four syllables
11 children
In the South, colonial women had an average of 10-11 children to provide free labor on plantations.
Marcus Garvey has 2 children
You can give your children gifts and an allowance.
America Ferrera has 2 children
Child benefit (or family allowance, children's allowance) is a social security payment disbursed to the parents or guardians of children.
I get $1000 a month
The answer is 1500-2000 calories
America Ferrera has 2 children
The allowance depends on the airline.
Approximately 18.5% of children in the US are considered obese.
I cannot give an exact amount but almost all children go to school in America.