Up to this present day, there is no record as to how many people fought in the English Civil War. There is only a record of how many deaths there was, which totaled to 868,000.
Not at all. Many people don't know that the civil war was fought for more than one reason. - Abolishment of slavery - Civil Rights - Rights of the people, and land for landowners. No, without the civil war, our economy and civil leadership wouldn't be what it is today.
civil war can go in a sentence in many ways - I have some money from the civil war - my friend's great great grandfather fought in the civil war - the civil war was fought over rights for African Americans
Between 180,000 and 200,000 black soldiers fought in the Civil War.
Many famous people fought for the North during the Civil War. Some were Generals Ulysses S. Grant, William T. Sherman, George B. McClellan, and six later US Presidents- Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Harrison and McKInley
Up to this present day, there is no record as to how many people fought in the English Civil War. There is only a record of how many deaths there was, which totaled to 868,000.
about 4.1 million people
Not at all. Many people don't know that the civil war was fought for more than one reason. - Abolishment of slavery - Civil Rights - Rights of the people, and land for landowners. No, without the civil war, our economy and civil leadership wouldn't be what it is today.
it was important because many people fought for peace
There are civil war battlefields that cover a wide path in many counties in Kentucky.
About 250,000 Confederates fought in the Civil War
because so many thousands of people died.
Gerty my bestie said theres 7
The answer ranges to 1 and 600. Hope the answer helps. 0 Buffalo Soldiers fought in the Civil War. 180,000 Color Troops fought in the Civil War
Over 50,000 people were injured or wounded Number of Deaths England-190,000 Scotland-60,000 Ireland-618,000 Total-868,000 Fought-?