Today's flag has 50 stars representing 50 states in the United States of America. There have been 27 official flags of the USA and all of them are considered our nation's flag. When the resolution for a new flag was passed by Congress they did NOT obsolete the previous flag. Any one of our flags, from 13 stars to 50 stars is a legal flag of the USA and can be flown.
48 Stars There were 48 stars from 1912 until 1959. This can be found under the history of our flag.
there are 13 stars on the us flag
13 Stars
The Union Flag was the Stars and Stripes. The Confederate flag was the stars and bars, representing many fewer states.
There are no stars on the national flag of Bahrain.
There are fifty stars on the United States' national flag.
There are 50 stars on the flag, one for each state.
Pakistan's flag has one white star.
48 Stars There were 48 stars from 1912 until 1959. This can be found under the history of our flag.
The Chinese flag has five stars on it. These stars represent the Communist Party of China and the four social classes of the country - the working class, the peasantry, the urban petit bourgeoisie, and the national bourgeoisie.
There is 50 stars on my flag which is the American flag's number of stars.
there are 13 stars on Mississipis flag
There are no stars on Polish Flag.
There are no stars in France flag.
There are five stars on the flag of China. One large star represents the Communist Party, while the four smaller stars symbolize the country's social classes: the working class, the peasantry, the urban petty bourgeoisie, and the national bourgeoisie.