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8-9-11>>> Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmark, the 1900 Morgan (not a Liberty Head) dollar is a very common coin with retail values of $37.00-$41.00 depending on the grade of the coin.

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Q: How much is 1900 liberty head silver dollar worth?
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What is a silver dollar worth 1900?

The only silver dollar minted by the US Treasury in 1900 was the Morgan Dollar.

What is a 1900 trade silver dollar worth?

The only silver dollar minted by the US Treasury in 1900 was the Morgan Dollar.

Was a walking liberty silver dollar made in 1900?

A U.S. one dollar coin dated 1900 is a Morgan dollar. The Walking Liberty design was first used in 1916 ( to replace the Barber series) on half dollars only.

How much is a 1900 silver dollar worth?

The 1900 is worth about $17.00. The 1893 is worth a whole lot, somewhere around 1,800 dollars but the 1900 isnt worth as much.

1900 liberty silver dollar value?

A 1900 Morgan dollar is common, circulated coins are $28.00-$35.00, typical Mint State coins are $40.00-$60.00

What was the value of 1900 Morgan Silver Dollar?

The 1900 Morgan Silver Dollar features the Statue of Liberty on one side, and an eagle on the other. Online collectors are buying Morgan Silver Dollars for around 100 to 300 dollars, depending on quality.

Who is the woman on the Silver dollar of the year 1900?

All silver dollars issued from 1794 to 1935 carry a picture of Miss Liberty, as in "Statue of ..."

How much is a 1900 silver dollar worth no mint mark MS65?

No you stupid person!

What makes 1900 silver dollar worth more money?

There is nothing you can do to make a coin worth more than what it is.

What is the value of a 1900 liberty head silver dollar?

7-18-11>>> Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmark, the 1900 Morgan dollar is a high mintage common date, retail values are $36.00-$41.00 depending on the grade of the coin.

What would be the value of a 1900 Silver Dollar in Fair condition?

1900 is not a rare date for Morgan Dollars. In average circulated condition, it's worth $8-$10. If it has an "S" mintmark on the back (above the "DO" in DOLLAR), it will be worth a couple dollars more.

What is the value of a 1900 e pluribus unun silver dollar?

A 1900 Morgan dollar (the phrase E Pluribus Unum by itself doesn't specify coin type or denomination) is worth around $24-30 depending on condition. If it's a 1900-S, then it's worth a little more.