The value of a 1940 Lady Liberty half dollar can vary based on its condition and rarity. On average, a circulated 1940 Lady Liberty half dollar could be worth around $10 to $20. However, if the coin is in excellent condition or has any special features, it could be worth more to collectors. It is always recommended to have a coin appraised by a professional to determine its exact value.
It's a half dollar, not a dollar, and it's worth at least $12.
Average circulated Walking Liberty half dollars from 1940 to 1945 regardless of Mintmarks are valued at $7.00-$9.00
5-28-11>> Average circulated Walking Liberty half dollars from 1940 to 1945 regardless of Mintmarks are valued at $16.00-$18.00 retail.
All Walking Liberty Half Dollars dated from 1940 to 1947 regardless of mintmark have the same retail value of $14.00-$15.00.
It's a Walking Liberty Half Dollar not a Standing Liberty half dollar and the value is about $6.00
It's a half dollar, not a dollar, and it's worth at least $12.
Average circulated Walking Liberty half dollars from 1940 to 1945 regardless of Mintmarks are valued at $7.00-$9.00
Current retail is around $10
5-28-11>> Average circulated Walking Liberty half dollars from 1940 to 1945 regardless of Mintmarks are valued at $16.00-$18.00 retail.
A half dollar.
All Walking Liberty Half Dollars dated from 1940 to 1947 regardless of mintmark have the same retail value of $14.00-$15.00.
A US liberty 1936 half dollar is worth half a dollar in 1936. It is now worth around $15 to $50 or more in 2013. The variation depends on the coin's condition.
It's a Walking Liberty Half Dollar not a Standing Liberty half dollar and the value is about $6.00
It's a common bicentennial half dollar, worth 50 cents.
A US liberty 1936 half dollar is worth half a dollar in 1936. It is now worth around $15 to $50 or more in 2013. The variation depends on the coin's condition.
The coin is a Franklin half dollar not a Liberty half dollar, and is so common if it has any wear at all the value is for the silver only, about $10.00
The last half dime was 1873. If you mean a half dollar it's worth about $4.00