it is worth 189.00
It is worth about 1.25$
Check that date again. Lincoln wasn't on the penny until 1909.
A 1959 gold Lincoln penny is not worth much. Coin collectors will pay between 45 and 65 cents for this penny depending on condition.
It is worth one cent unless it is uncirculated?
it is worth 189.00
It is worth about 1.25$
a cent
Check that date again. Lincoln wasn't on the penny until 1909.
A 1920's Lincoln penny in good condition can be worth anywhere from 5 dollars to 30 dollars. This is a old penny.
It's worth exactly one cent.
A 1959 gold Lincoln penny is not worth much. Coin collectors will pay between 45 and 65 cents for this penny depending on condition.
Sorryno such thing as asilver penny
It is worth one cent unless it is uncirculated?
It's still worth exactly one cent.
1934 is not a rare date for Lincoln Cents.
Average value is 3 cents