3 cents.
Average value is 3 to 5 cents.
Around one us cent.
The 1955-D Lincoln cent is a very common coin. Circulated coins are 3 to 10 cents. Most uncirculated coins are less than $1.
Wheat cents were struck from 1909 to 1958
3 cents.
Average value is 3 to 5 cents.
Around one us cent.
About 25 cents. Exceptional coins will have a higher value.
Average circulated coins are 3 to 10 cents. Uncirculated can be as much as $20.00
It is worth arount $5
The 1955-D Lincoln cent is a very common coin. Circulated coins are 3 to 10 cents. Most uncirculated coins are less than $1.
A wheat penny is worth about $1,000,000
In average condition, about a dollar. A nice one is worth about $5. Uncirculated, about $20.More:It depends on whether you're talking about an American or Canadian cent, usually called a penny (not "pennie", btw) or a British penny. There's more information at the Related Questions.
Wheat cents were struck from 1909 to 1958
The first wheat cents were made in 1909.
Penny, not pennie; bronze, not steel. If you have a 1953 cent that appears to be steel it's almost certainly plated. In any case, if it were steel it would stick to a magnet so that's the first thing to check.