6-28-11>> If it shows any wear at all the value is about $2.50 just for the silver. All silver Roosevelt dimes (1946-1964) are considered common.
What is 1912 dime worth
10 cents.
10 Cents
Their still in circulation, the coin is worth 10 cents.
It's a1897 Barber dime, in average condition is worth $2.00-$8.00 USD
What is 1912 dime worth
A US dime is worth either:ten penniestwo nickles
A dime is worth 1/10 of a US dollar, or equivalently, 10 cents.
10 cents.
10 Cents
Their still in circulation, the coin is worth 10 cents.
A dime is worth 10 cents, or 1/10 of a US dollar.
It's a1897 Barber dime, in average condition is worth $2.00-$8.00 USD
A circulated 1939 US dime is worth about $2.70. An uncirculated US 1939 dime is worth between $9.00 and $20.00.
Around 33.00- depends on condition.
It is a common date worth about $2 in scrap silver.
A US dime dated 1944 is a Mercury head dime, it's very common with a likely value of $2.00 just for the silver.